BTESA participated, last October 18th, in the annual meeting of companies and entities located in the Scientific, Technological and Business Park “Leganés Tecnológico”
The stands and demos, a characteristic part of this annual Meeting, allowed the attending authorities and innovation agents to learn about the progress of both the consolidated companies and the start-ups of the UC3M Science Park.
The authorities showed great interest in the innovative potential of BTESA. The directors of BTESA, Carlos Rosa and Carlos Tablate, had the opportunity to show the most cutting-edge products (in this case, in the IoT sector) to the Mayor of Leganés, Miguel Ángel Recuenco, to the Deputy Minister for Digitalization of the Community of Madrid , Silvia Roldan, and to the Vice-Rector for Research and Transfer of the Carlos III University of Madrid, Luis Enrique Muñoz,
This event organized by the Carlos III University of Madrid and the Business Association of the Leganés Science and Technology Park became, once again, a day to share among people from companies, researchers, innovation agents, innovation managers from other corporations, startups…, as well as motivation to find new formulas for talent management. It was also an optimistic day, with the consolidation of the new Artificial Intelligence Cluster of the Community of Madrid in our Park.
The different networking moments also facilitated the exchange of synergies and future collaborations, such as those presented after the round table in which the most transversal challenge of interest to all the companies and people that are part of the Park group was addressed. and that is not exactly technology: the challenge of talent management and retention in technology companies.
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